Thursday, March 28, 2019

Please Join Us: Celebrating Honors Student Work @ Honors Pinnacle April 18th

I am writing with an invitation to a unique upcoming opportunity for you to explore a wide variety of Honors student work. Our Honors Pinnacle day of events (April 18th) brings together three events showcasing Honors student work:

1)      The First Year Project Showcase (4/18, 12:00-2:00PM, North Ballroom - SUMC): The Showcase features the work of 83 Honors first-year students taking part in undergraduate research through the Honors First Year Project. Through this program, students get early experience in research through a one-semester opportunity to explore a topic or issue of interest with the guidance of a faculty mentor. This work culminates in a final project, paper, artifact, or recorded performance shared with the campus community at the Showcase.
2)      The Thesis Fast Pitch Competition (4/18, 3:30-4:30PM, Catalina Room - SUMC): Honors students devote a lot of time and attention to their Senior Thesis/Capstone projects and often learn more than they could have imagined about their topics.  This event is about taking that project one step further by challenging Thesis students to work on a way to concisely explain their thesis work to people outside of their discipline. Research is about more than just collecting and analyzing information -- It’s about articulating an issue, making an impact, and helping people understand why what you’re doing should matter to them. For this event, ten selected Honors students will share two-minute pitches about the importance of their Thesis.

3)      The Honors Engagement Expo (4/18, 4:30-6:00PM, North Ballroom - SUMC): The expo demonstrates the breadth and depth of Honors student work by serving as a platform for Honors students to share a wide variety of academic, engagement, and/or involvement work in a showcase-style format. Come hear about study abroad experiences, internships,  research projects, creative work, and service-learning from students presenting academic posters, written work, visual demonstrations and works of art.

We very much hope that you can join us at one of these fantastic events!

If you have students that you believe may be interested in any of the events above, please share the attached flyer and direct them to any of the following pages:

Honors Pinnacle (shares details on all events)
First Year Project Showcase (participation limited to students in FYP Program, all first year students encouraged to attend)
Thesis Fast Pitch Competition (for students completing thesis - deadline to apply is April 3rd, all students welcome to attend)
Honors Engagement Expo (for all Honors students - deadline to register is April 7th, all students welcome to attend)

Please direct any questions about these events to me at

Best Wishes,
Thomas Sullivan

Thomas M. Sullivan, M.Sc.
Senior Coordinator | Student Programs
The Honors College | 1027 East 2nd Street | Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 621-4262

Jobs in Financial Education

Take Charge Cats is currently hiring for Take Charge Cat Ambassador positions for a start date of Fall 2019. They are primarily seeking freshmen, sophomores, and juniors from all majors. This position is an amazing way for students to gain leadership and public speaking skills, as well as learn and teach about financial literacy in our community and on campus.  We are looking for students who have a passion about making an impact and who are outgoing, committed and self-motivated.

Our application closes on April 8th.  Students can apply on our website which will direct them to a Handshake application

Tiffany Ortega, M.A.Ed.
Norton School | Family & Consumer Sciences
Academic Advisor
Personal and Family Financial Planning
Internship and Career Development Coordinator
Family Studies and Human Development
The University of Arizona
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
PHONE: 520.621.7138

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Independent Study (399/492/499) Opportunity

I am the project coordinator for Dr. Patricia Haynes’ ADAPT study in the College of Public Health. 

Candace Mayer

Project Coordinator
ADAPT Research Study
Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
University of Arizona
(520) 626-2178

Independent Study Opportunity in Public Health, Psychology, or Physiology!!

The Assessing Daily Activity Patterns through occupational Transitions (APAPT) study is looking for students this Summer and Fall 2019 who are interested in gaining hands-on experience in health and wellness research.

The ADAPT study is examining how job loss affects peoples’ daily routines, sleep patterns, activities, and eating habits. Findings from this study will help us to understand the relationships between stress, sleep, and obesity and to develop new related prevention programs. Dr. Patricia Haynes, a licensed clinical psychologist, is the principal investigator. The study is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

If you are interested in learning more about the opportunity to join the ADAPT team, please contact Candace Mayer at with a copy of your current resume and GPA. Three hours course credit in Public Health, Psychology, or Physiology is available for your active participation in this unique professional opportunity.