Tuesday, January 29, 2019

SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Med-Start Counselor Positions available

Summer Employment Opportunities:    Apply to be a counselor for Med-Start!   

Great News! 

There is still time to apply and the rate of pay has increased to $11 per hour   + room and board ( travel expenses paid)
  FUN activities and lifelong friendships.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or if you require additional information, please feel free to e-mail me or contact me directly.

Thank you so much!

 Alma Aguirre-Cruz, BS
Med-Start Health Careers Program
Program Coordinator
Outreach & Recruitment
University of Arizona Health Sciences
Office of Diversity & Inclusion
1501 N Campbell Ave Room 1119B
PO Box 245140
Tucson, Arizona 85724-5140

Tel: 520-621-5531    Toll Free: 800-841-5498
Fax: 520-626-2895

Are you interested in gaining some real life knowledge about spinal cord injury?

Are you interested in gaining some real life knowledge about spinal cord injury?
SHORT MORNING TIME BLOCKS BEFORE YOUR CLASSES OR WEEKEND MORNINGS. Starting time flexible but prefer to start at 6:30 a.m.  or 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 on weekends.  Total time each morning is generally less than 2 hrs once the routine is learned. PICK YOUR MORNINGS
I am a male quadriplegic, injured as a teenager. I am married, a UA graduate, and live 1 mile from Campus, just south of downtown.

Primary needs are:
* bathing, dressing, transfer from bed to a wheelchair, I am not heavy
* adjusting clothes and repositioning in wheelchair for comfort & safety,
* some very basic breakfast preparation

GREAT EXPERIENCE for students interested in any health profession and such work experience can be an asset on applications to professional programs. Some experience is good but not necessary.  I am willing to train enthusiastic applicants new to caregiving who are looking for experience.  Must be reliable.
If interested please call or text me, Tod at (520)288-3502

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

BECUR Conference 2019

What is BECUR?
In 2008, University of Arizona students began planning the details for the Biological, Engineering, and Chemical Undergraduate Research (BECUR) Conference. Their planning for this conference finally came to fruition in 2010. BECUR became the first Undergraduate Affiliate Network, now known as American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Student Chapters, regional meeting in the Southwest. BECUR is an ASBMB regional undergraduate research conference, funded by ASBMB Student Chapters.
BECUR provides the opportunity for undergraduates to present their scientific findings at the semi-professional level. By participating in BECUR, students will find themselves prepared for national conferences. BECUR 2019 will continue to unite students from various disciplines, provide an environment of shared knowledge, and recognize students for their constant efforts and contributions to their fields

Our conference will be held Saturday, March 16th from 9am to 2pm. The abstract deadline will be February 22nd, 2019 at 11:59pm. There potentially may be an abstract submission deadline extension, as the date has not been finalized. Our conference is free to participate in, and we provide food, awards, and gifts to all participating members. For submitting your abstract, please visit the UA Biochemistry Club website, uabiochemistryclub.com. If you have any questions, please contact us at uabiochemistryclub@gmail.com.

Haley Krouskop

UA Biochemistry Club Secretary