Thursday, April 30, 2020

Support for Graduating Seniors

April 30, 2020


PANEL: “What Now? Strategies for Agility in Job and Internship Search”

Many college graduates are seeing their employment prospects change due to COVID-19, including rescinded job offers or canceled interviews. The landscape of opportunity has changed rapidly.  If you’re looking for a way to stay on track to your goals post-graduation in these times, this is the one webinar you should attend.

Thursday, May 7, 2020; 12pm MST (Arizona time)

After this webinar, you will have
1.                   Specific coping strategies to help you get through this uncertain time;
2.                   Tactics that work to find new opportunities and ramp up your online job search even in a recession;
3.                   Clear actions or next steps to take;
4.                   Renewed connection to University of Arizona resources and community of support

Panelist include:
• Stephanie Springer, SECD Internship Council Fellow and Director of Internships for Public & Applied Humanities
• Abra McAndrew, Assistant Vice President, Access Engagement and Opportunity
• Greg Mena, Sr. Talent Acquisition Business Partner, ADP
• Mia Zamora, Mental Health Counselor, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
• Brenda Sánchez, Class of 2018, and the Border-Binational Program Coordinator with the Southeast Arizona Area Health Education Center. 

If you are a graduating senior or otherwise find yourself looking for new direction after experiencing a change in prospects – whether internships, full-time jobs or research opportunities, don’t miss this webinar. Register in Zoom

Brought to you by the University of Arizona Internship Council and Student Engagement & Career Development

Wednesday, June 3

Arizona’s Career Mixer is ideal for new graduates and anyone looking for what’s next, right here in Arizona. You’ll be able to connect with employers with full-time and internship opportunities they need to fill, right now.  This will be a virtual career fair.
Information will be updated on this webpage:


Design Your Search offers on-demand content and personalized support which might be just what your students need right now to restart their search or pivot on their current one.

Students get access to online modules in D2L and an extensive overview of strategies to use throughout your search. In addition, they get personalized coaching with an assigned Career Educator and consistent help from trained peers which means they have specific people to turn to who know their needs and goals and can help answer their questions.

For students in the middle of a job/internship search or those who want to keep momentum going in their career exploration, LifeLab is still operating with a full staff of peer educators.  Please assure them we’re still here, ready, willing and able to assist them in figuring out any next steps.

VIRTUAL DROP IN HOURS: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 4:00 PM
  • Reach out to us by using the live chat on our website. Use the popup box at the bottom right to start your chat.
  • Call our office at 520-621-2588 to start a virtual drop-in appointment. You will be matched with someone who can help you via Zoom, email, or by phone
  • To schedule an appointment outside of LifeLab hours, call our office or log into Handshake to schedule a 1:1 appointment. Appointments are virtual via Zoom, email, or phone and are available during regular business hours (8 AM - 5 PM).


We Need Your Help
Graduating seniors will be able to complete the Career Destination Survey which collects data about college students’ post-graduation outcomes related to employment and continuing education.

Typically, the spring survey is tied to the Commencement RSVP process which results in an average response rate of about 75%.  Since the in-person event has been cancelled, we are seeking assistance from campus colleagues to improve our data collection efforts by encouraging seniors to complete the survey. 

How to Help:
  • Include the survey link in direct emails to graduating students, excluding Eller College of Management which conducts their own survey. 
  • Add the survey link to your website, resource page or social media platform
The survey is available at

How this Helps Students:
  • Students who indicate “still seeking employment” receive responsive follow-up services from Student Engagement and Career Development.
  • Students can opt in to receiving Alumni Association resources such as networking and job search support post-graduation.
  • Students who respond today help future students understand the post-graduation benefits of receiving an education from the University of Arizona as data are reported, in aggregate and as requested, to several organizations that produce college and university rankings.
Survey Administration Details:
  • Only students who have applied for graduation will be eligible to complete the survey.
  • Students may re-enter updated information if their post-graduation status changes using the same link while the survey is open (at least through August).

The Arizona Job Shadow Program is going virtual this summer. We’re currently scheduling students with professionals for 1-hour informational interviews. Through a 1-hour virtual informational interview, students can meet professionals working in fields they’re interested in, or who have jobs they would like to have one day. By the time the quarantine is over, they'll have a legitimate network to tap into as they search for internships or full-time jobs.

Apply to a current opportunity: View the current postings on the JSP website and
If you have a career or company you to want to explore that's not listed,  complete the student interest form.

Important dates to remember:
  • Now until May 8, 2020: Students should indicate their interest in participating in this program by submitting a student interest form by or before May 8, 2020.
  • May 4 - May 13, 2020: Mandatory virtual student orientations; students contact hosts, finalize interview date & details.
  • May 18 - 22, 2020: 1-hour informational interviews take place via Zoom or similar video technology.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Health Professional School Acceptance Panel on April 23rd.

Are you planning on applying to medical, dental, or pharmacy school? Do you want to hear from current seniors who have been accepted into these programs? 

Join the Flying Samaritans and Physiology Honors Academy for a Health Professional School Acceptance Panel! Accepted students will be discussing their experiences applying to medical, dental, and pharmacy schools as well as tips for how to stand out on your application. There will also be time for a Q&A at the end!

When: Thursday, April 23rd at 6:00pm Arizona time
Password: 867746

If you have any questions please email

We hope to see you next Thursday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

LifeSTEP (mentor) Internship Application


The psychology clinic has established a community service agency that provides undergraduate life skills trainers (and mentors) to school-aged youth with emotional and/or behavioral problems.  The vast majority of these children are from a minority group living in poverty in Tucson and are struggling with a variety of emotional and behavior problems. We are currently accepting applications for Fall semester (assuming we will be in-person by then - fingers crossed!).  As a LifeSTEP (Life Skills Training and Enhancement Program) intern, you would be meeting with your assigned youth about once a week for about 4 hours each time. Activities might include going to the movies, getting an ice cream, going bowling or spending time at a park, etc (you would be reimbursed for your expenses including gas).  You would receive 3 units of internship credit, and you would have the opportunity to receive training in this area.  If you are interested (and are at least 18 years old), please complete the attached application & email it back to  We are especially in need of male interns (due to the large number of older boys in desperate need of a positive role model), but we are also in need of many female interns as well!
I look forward to hearing from you - Julie
Julie Feldman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice
Department of Psychology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  85721

LifeSTEP (mentor) Internship Application
(please return to JULIE FELDMAN –

NAME:                                                                                    Date:
EMERGENCY CONTACT:                                                    Relationship?

UA MAJOR:                                                                            UA MINOR:
What is your GPA:

What year are you?  (check one)

* Freshman
* Sophomore
* Junior
* Senior

Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor? (check one)
* Yes             * No
If yes, please explain:

Have you ever worked with children/adolescents with behavioral health problems?     * Yes     * No
Explain your experience:

What do you expect to learn from this internship?

What do you feel are your strengths as an applicant for this internship?