Monday, July 31, 2017

Elder Rehab Needs Spanish-Speaking Interns

Elder Rehab with Dr. Sharon Arkin

Elder Rehab is a research-tested physical, mental, and social stimulation program, developed by psychologist, Sharon Arkin. A senior, memory-impaired participant will be partnered with a U of A volunteer “Personal Trainer” who will supervise the participant in physical fitness workouts and engage in memory and language stimulation.

Both participants and family members leave having a better mood and clearer mind. This program allows memory impaired elders the chance to interact with young, vibrant college students while improving their physical and mental capabilities.

For information and an application, contact: Sharon Arkin: or 520-603-2912

Dr. Sharon Arkin

Tucson Jewish Community Center
Elder Rehab Student Application Form   

Date Submitted                                                                          Date/Time Received                     

Name________________________Available Fall 2017?___    Spring 2018?_____________
 Specify time periods when you are available.
2 hour time periods available on:    
Tues. between 10- 6:_______       Thurs. between 10-6:_______      
Mon. between 2-6_______    Wed. between 2-6_______   
 Fri. between 2-6_______   Sun. between 10-6_______

Email                                  Phone Number     _________Current CPR?____-          (required before beginning internship or volunteering)

Current Semester (as of fall ’17): (1sts, 2nd, etc.)          

Career Goal                                                  
Grad School?                                                   

Local Address                                                                                     Zip Code                                 

Living arrangement (alone, w/ roommate(s), etc.)                                                                              

Parents’ Names:                                                                                                                               

Parents’ (Your permanent) address                                                                                                   

Parents’ Phone Number:                                          Email:                                                                

Do you have a car or access to a car?                                License?            Car Insurance?                

Can you get parents’ OK to drive another student or your senior partner in your car?                         

Describe any experience working out on gym equipment, such as treadmill, stationary bike, weight machines or other physical activities (i.e., yoga, dance, sports, etc.).


Do you have a pet or is there some other interest, craft, or musical activity that you could lead ?

Describe any previous volunteer experience:

Previous work experience:

Do you have a family member or friend who had or has Alzheimer’s or a similar disorder involving memory loss and communication difficulties?

If yes,  Describe                                                                                                                                           

Reasons for wanting to be an Elder Rehab volunteer or intern

Submit to Dr. Sharon Arkin at 
Questions? Call Dr.Arkin  520-603-2912

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