Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Connecting physiology with chemistry through preceptoring

I teach chemistry 101a and 101b at the UA.  A main project for spring 2017 is to work to integrate more physiology into these courses so that the public health students understand how important chemistry is in their later courses as well as in the field they plan to study.

I just met with my preceptors and Supplemental Instruction (S) leaders for CHEM 101b.  Several mentioned how great the Physiology-Undergraduate Program is and that they might be able to reach out to their students regarding getting more physiology majors involved in CHEM 101a and especially CHEM101b. The goal for spring is to include preceptors with a solid background in physiology so that we can work to integrate the two subjects and bring relevance to the chemistry classes. I  have an especially hard time finding qualified people for CHEM101b as it is a one semester overview of basic organic chemistry and biochemistry.

This is an email announcement to Physiology juniors and seniors to determine if they are interested in preceptoring for me this spring.  Something like the following should work:

This spring, looking for preceptors to help with the CHEM 101a or CHEM 101b courses. With a goal of helping to integrate more physiology into chemistry and to develop more relevant examples for public health students.  CHEM 101b meets at 11:00 am on MWF as a one semester combination of applied organic and biochemistry for public health and nursing majors. CHEM 101a meets at 2:00 pm on MWF as a one semester overview of chemistry designed for public health and nursing majors.
If you are interested in either of these classes and earning 3 CHEM credits, please contact Dr. Van Dorn at for more information. 

Laura Van Dorn, Ph.D.
Koffler Building, room 415
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ 85721

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