Wednesday, July 24, 2019

one person has jobs open now, the other, close to when school starts.

I have two ads below,
Are you interested in gaining some real life knowledge about spinal cord injury?

Starting time flexible but prefer to start at 6:30 a.m.  or 7:00 a.m.  Total time each morning is generally less than 2 hrs once the routine is learned. PICK YOUR MORNINGS. THIS POSITION COULD BE SHARED BY TWO PEOPLE
I am a male quadriplegic, injured as a teenager. I am married, a UA graduate, and live 1 mile from Campus, just south of downtown.

Primary needs are:
* bathing, dressing, transfer from bed to a wheelchair, I am not heavy
* adjusting clothes and repositioning in wheelchair for comfort & safety,
* some very basic breakfast preparation

GREAT EXPERIENCE for students interested in any health profession and such work experience can be an asset on applications to professional programs. Some experience is good but not necessary.  I am willing to train enthusiastic applicants new to caregiving who are looking for experience.  Must be reliable.
If interested please call or text me, Tod at (520)288-3502

PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANTS NEEDED: I am an Honors senior engineering major looking for dependable personal care assistants that would be available between the hours of 6:30 to 8:00 am, and 8:30 to 10:30 pm weekdays/nights and Saturday nights. I am a quadriplegic at the C-6 level, injured in a diving accident in the summer of 2014. The main tasks would include getting ready for the day in the mornings and preparing for sleep in the evenings, including helping with showers. I live on campus in Arbol de la Vida, and would like to Skype/in-person interview interested applicants within the next few weeks. You can reach me, Alex, by iMessage at (602)-696-7262.

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