Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Concussion Study and Light Exposure Concussion Treatment Study

My name is Melissa Millan, and I am a Research Technician here at BUMC Psychiatry Department.  Anyone who is interested in our studies can call us at 520-428-5121 or submit our webform at www.uaSCANlab.com.

To give you a brief overview of the two studies, they are:
  1. The Concussion Study -- a one day study that involves neuropsychological assessments along with a variety of brain scans. We are looking for individuals ages 18-45 who had a head injury or concussion in the past year.  They must be right-handed, have no metal in their body, and speak English as a primary language.
  2. The Light Exposure Concussion Treatment Study -- is a longitudinal, 13-week treatment study that involves in-home use of a light device in the morning as well as four visits to the University of Arizona that include neuropsychological assessments along with several brain scans. We are looking for individuals ages 18-50 who had a head injury or concussion in the past 18 months.  They must be right-handed, have no metal in their body, and speak English as a primary language. 
Eligible participants will receive compensation for full completion of all study activities.

For additional information, contact:

Melissa Millan
Study Coordinator, SCAN Lab
Department of Psychiatry
College of Medicine
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85724
Phone: (520) 621-1194

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