Tuesday, January 24, 2017

ASUA Elections - College of Medicine Senator Position

My name is ChloƩ Durand and I am the Elections Commissioner for ASUA, the student government on campus. We are looking for diverse and motivated Medicine students to represent their college by running for a senator position within ASUA.

The application process is simple; students can go to the official elections website at www.elections.asua.arizona.edu and fill out the Candidacy Form under "Forms." There is no signature requirement for a senate seat either like the executive (President, Administrative Vice President, Executive Vice President) positions do. 

The application deadline is this Friday, January 27th at 10 AM and we are really looking to reach out to Medicine students as much as possible because we haven't had that many people apply for the Medicine senator position, and last year no one ran to represent the College of Medicine. 

"A message from the ASUA Elections Commission

Are you interested in gaining leadership experience, developing programs that benefit students, allocating funds, and representing your college? Consider running for a senator position within ASUA, the student government organization at the University of Arizona.

Running for a senate position is simple and highly rewarding. All potential candidates must go to the official elections website, www.elections.asua.arizona.edu, to fill out the Candidacy Form. There is NO signature requirement to run for a Senate position.

Of the twenty (20) open senate seats, seventeen (17) of them are reserved for each college on campus:
·  Agriculture & Life Sciences
·  Architecture
·  Education
·  Eller College of Management
·  Engineering
·  Fine Arts
·  Graduate College
·  Humanities
·  James E. Rogers College of Law
·  Letters, Arts, & Sciences
·  Medicine
·  Nursing
·  Optical Sciences
·  Pharmacy
·  Public Health
·  Science
·  Social & Behavorial Sciences

If elected, senators will need to attend a mandatory weekly meeting on Wednesdays at 5 PM. Senators are also awarded a stipend each semester.

The Candidacy Form is due Friday, January 27th at 10 AM along with the Candidate Eligibility Form, found on the elections website under “Forms.”

If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Elections Commissioner at ASUA-elections@email.arizona.edu.

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