Thursday, April 25, 2019

Science Communication Workshop Friday April 26th

"Learn more about communicating science to a general audience!" 
Whether you are a student involved in research or not, a graduate interested in learning new communication skills, or researcher looking to broaden your horizons, please join us for speakers, hands-on breakout sessions, and refreshments. 

Science Communication Workshop 

Skills for students/researcher: 8:30 - 9:30 am

skills for students/non-researchers: 9:45 - 10:45 am

Guest speakers in SciComm
Breakout sessions and networking
All skill levels welcome (students, grads, staff, faculty)
Refreshments provided
Partial attendance welcome/encouraged

Friday, April 26th

Medical Research Building (MRB), Room 102
RSVP & more information online at: 

MCB Is Offering Medical School Pre-Requisites Courses This Summer

MCB will be offering both MCB 410 and MCB 411 this summer to assist students with completing medical school pre-requisites!  Both of these courses fulfill upper division cell biology requirements for the new UA COM-Tucson medical school pre-requisites.   Please feel free to share this opportunity with your students!  Students are welcome to email me with any questions or if they have issues with enrollment into the courses.  

Kara Dyson, M.S.
Senior Academic Advisor I
Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
The University of Arizona
Life Sciences South, room 248
Office Phone: (520) 621-1073