1 credit 100% Engagement opportunity:
Find out how to improve your learning skills, then teach other student groups on campus!
Find out how to improve your learning skills, then teach other student groups on campus!
Student Advocates
for Improved Learning
Wednesdays 1:00-1:50pm
a SAIL Fellow as part of the UA Learning Initiative in this new 1 credit
class! As part of the inaugural class of SAIL Fellows, you will be trained
in what science tells us about how students learn best. After
training, you and your SAIL Fellow peers in the class will visit campus groups
(dorms, cultural centers, etc.) and teach other students about
the best ways to study and learn. See attached flyer for more info! Register in
UAccess for IA 497A.
To learn more, visit:
or contact:
Jane Hunter @
To learn more, visit:
or contact:
Jane Hunter @
What is SAIL?
Student Advocates for Improved Learning (SAIL) is a component of the new UA Learning Initiative which is focused on helping faculty and students understand and use effective strategies that improve student learning and enhance retention of learned content and concepts. This Quality Initiative includes a 100% Engagement Activity for undergraduates who act as peer educators called “Student Advocates for Improved Learning” (SAIL) Fellows. This 100% Engagement Activity has been approved by a faculty committee and is worthy of notation on the students’ academic transcript. The SAIL Fellows participate in sessions with faculty and other academic professionals to learn about best practices for learning and retaining important information that supports conceptual understanding. They then share their newfound knowledge with their peers in group sessions.
What is involved?
Students interested in becoming SAIL Fellows enroll in two 1-credit course (PSY 397 or IA 497A/ PSY 397B, SAIL: Student Advocates for Improved Learning I and II) during consecutive semesters. The initial semester of the SAIL course includes readings from the book “Make it Stick” and from articles in the learning sciences and a series of short quizzes to help consolidate the Fellows’ understanding. SAIL Fellows will get a chance to practice their learned skills for improved studying and see how these skills can impact their own academic success. Following the first semester of training in the learning sciences, the SAIL Fellows connect with groups of undergraduates across campus to lead discussions about learning. The student groups may be from the residence halls, a club, a class, one of the multicultural centers, or one of the special campus programs such as orientation. During the second semester of the SAIL program, Fellows start with an initial meeting with a group of their peers and administer a survey. Then, they convey, in an engaging way, information about the most effective strategies for learning. The Fellows encourage their peers to use these strategies in their courses. All the while, Fellows are being trained in professional and leadership skills, such as public speaking. In follow-up sessions, the Fellows ask students to reflect on the effectiveness of the strategies and suggest ways to improve. At the end of the semester, the SAIL Fellows and the groups of students who were mentored receive a follow-up survey to see whether the intervention made a difference in leadership and professionalism (Fellows) and in the study practices and performance in their classes (Fellows and student peers).
When is the SAIL Fellows class?
Student Advocates for Improved Learning (SAIL) is a component of the new UA Learning Initiative which is focused on helping faculty and students understand and use effective strategies that improve student learning and enhance retention of learned content and concepts. This Quality Initiative includes a 100% Engagement Activity for undergraduates who act as peer educators called “Student Advocates for Improved Learning” (SAIL) Fellows. This 100% Engagement Activity has been approved by a faculty committee and is worthy of notation on the students’ academic transcript. The SAIL Fellows participate in sessions with faculty and other academic professionals to learn about best practices for learning and retaining important information that supports conceptual understanding. They then share their newfound knowledge with their peers in group sessions.
What is involved?
Students interested in becoming SAIL Fellows enroll in two 1-credit course (PSY 397 or IA 497A/ PSY 397B, SAIL: Student Advocates for Improved Learning I and II) during consecutive semesters. The initial semester of the SAIL course includes readings from the book “Make it Stick” and from articles in the learning sciences and a series of short quizzes to help consolidate the Fellows’ understanding. SAIL Fellows will get a chance to practice their learned skills for improved studying and see how these skills can impact their own academic success. Following the first semester of training in the learning sciences, the SAIL Fellows connect with groups of undergraduates across campus to lead discussions about learning. The student groups may be from the residence halls, a club, a class, one of the multicultural centers, or one of the special campus programs such as orientation. During the second semester of the SAIL program, Fellows start with an initial meeting with a group of their peers and administer a survey. Then, they convey, in an engaging way, information about the most effective strategies for learning. The Fellows encourage their peers to use these strategies in their courses. All the while, Fellows are being trained in professional and leadership skills, such as public speaking. In follow-up sessions, the Fellows ask students to reflect on the effectiveness of the strategies and suggest ways to improve. At the end of the semester, the SAIL Fellows and the groups of students who were mentored receive a follow-up survey to see whether the intervention made a difference in leadership and professionalism (Fellows) and in the study practices and performance in their classes (Fellows and student peers).
When is the SAIL Fellows class?
The first semester class (PSY 397-001 or IA 497A) will be held on Wednesdays at 1-1:50pm in Fall 2017. Register for the class on UAccess.
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