Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Internship Positions

Through BIO5, Sanofi and BioVigilant are filling 9 intern positions for summer 2016. Applications are being accepted now; due date for all application materials, incl. reference letters, is Feb 22nd, 2016. (Feb. 23rd for BioVigilant)

Further information and links to the online applications are available at

About the internships:


* Graduate and undergraduate students with advanced research training (2+ years) will be considered based on the requirements for each project.
* Interns must have Continuing Student status and return to the UA for the Fall 2016 semester.
* All candidates must demonstrate health, safety and environmental consciousness, be able to follow all health, safety and environmental regulations, and adhere to standards and internal requirements.
* Effective communication, organization and time management skills.
* Ability to work with a team and independently in a fast paced environment
* Strong computer skills including Excel, PowerPoint and Word.


* Summer internships last 12 weeks and are being arranged at three levels of involvement as indicated above. Involvement levels will be agreed upon by each selected student and her/his group leader prior to the start of the internship; they are binding and cannot be changed after the start of the internship. In addition, a concise schedule will be worked out between each intern and her/his group leader prior to the start of the internship.
* Interns receive a stipend of $2,500 - $7,600 (depending on degree level and level of involvement), dispersed in two equal installments, through interns’ UA Bursar’s accounts.
* Interns must register for at least one UA internship credit for the summer. The cost of one credit unit of internship will be added to the stipend and reimbursed through the intern’s UA Bursar’s account in two installments.
* International students who are accepted for an internship will have to consult with the UA International Student Office to follow appropriate procedures to prevent jeopardizing their bona-fide student status.

Uwe Hilgert, Ph.D.
Director, STEM Training

BIO5 Institute & iPlant Collaborative
The University of Arizona, PO Box 210240, Tucson, AZ 85721-0240 TW Keating Bioresearch Bldg., Rm  # 443
(o) 520-626-1367
(c) 516-857-1693
(f) 520-626-4824

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