Awareness Training Study (compensation included)
name is Sara Cloonan and I am one of the study coordinators for the within the SCAN Lab.
purpose of the Awareness Training Study is to evaluate the effects
of "Awareness Training" on psychological health and emotional
functioning. Participants will be required to complete two ~8-hour study visits
as well as an ~10 hour online training program at home. Eligible participants
will be compensated $450 for completion of all study activities. Additionally,
participants may also be eligible for two 90-minute MRI scanning sessions, and
will receive additional compensation.
purpose of the ROTC portion of the study is the same as the general Awareness
Training Study and requires participants to complete two ~2-hour study visits
and a ~10-hour online training program at home. Eligible participants will be
compensated $600 for completion of all study activities. Please note with that
flyer that it is the same as the one that was distributed last semester so ROTC
individuals do not have to fill it out again if they already filled it out.
Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions about the study or need more information from me.
Sara Cloonan
Study Coordinator
Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience Lab
University of
Tucson, AZ 85724
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