Friday, August 31, 2018

Apple Career Readiness Event

Apple Career Readiness Event
Date: Thursday, September 27th
Time:  5:30-7:30pm
Location: Swede Johnson Building, room 205

Join the UA Alumni Career Lab and two Apple development executives to learn more about how to land the job of your dreams! 
Andrew Currah and Jay Matheson will present tips and tricks on how to land the job you want and how the Apple ecosystem can be utilized to help you along the way.

In partnership with the UA Bookstore.

Syndric (Step) Steptoe, ‘13
Director, Alumni Careers and Professional Development

The University of Arizona Alumni Association
1111 N. Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ 85721
Office: 520-626-4948
Twitter: @Hireacat

Become a sustaining member

Students: running three different non-credit, skill-boosting, resume-enhancing programs

Student Engagement & Career Development (SUMC room 248) is running three different non-credit, skill-boosting, resume-enhancing programs this semester, and we would love it if you would share the opportunities with students. Thank you! And have a wonderful holiday weekend…

1.     Fast Track: B2B Sales: We’re not talking about the hard selling, slick car salesman kind of sales, but consultative business-to-business (B2B) sales. By learning these B2B techniques, you’ll be equipped to become productive in any entry level sales role or, simply, use these techniques to sell yourself for any internship or job in any industry. Enrollment ends September 4. Find out more here:
2.     Fast Track: iOS App Development: If you have some programming experience, a Mac computer and a desire to learn how to build an iOS app through a curriculum used by professional engineers, then get enrolled now. Enrollment ends August 31.
3.    Fast Track: Adobe Creative Cloud: No matter what your major is, mastering new technologies like graphic design and video editing software is essential. Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, or InDesign over just four weeks.

Industry Program Manager
Student Engagement & Career Development
520-626-0084  |

Thursday, August 30, 2018



LifeLab is a dynamic, peer-driven space where you can walk in to explore your interests and passions, research relevant career options, and design pathways to pursue new opportunities. In LifeLab, you can also find support for your active job or internship search, including resume and cover letter reviews. Drop in to meet with Peer Educators to get constructive feedback and suggestions to improve your resume. Stop by the Office of Student Engagement on the main level of the Student Union Memorial Center anytime during our scheduled hours. Please bring your laptop or a printed copy of your resume.


LifeLab is designed to help any student — from first-year all the way to graduate students. All students can find help getting connected to their career path, developing and updating their resume or getting started on the search and application process for internships, graduate school or full-time opportunities.


  • Danielle Border
    Eller College of Management – Marketing
  • Faith Nasution
    College of Science – Geosciences
  • Victoria Rackley
    College of Agriculture & Life Sciences – Agricultural Technology Management & Education
  • Uju Sampson
    College of Medicine - Pre-Physiology
  • Kameron Shute
    Eller College of Management- Management Information System
  • Amanda Starsiak
    College of Social & Behavior Science – Economics


    Mon/Wed/Fri: 1 - 4 PM; Tues: 4 - 6 PM; Thurs: 9-11 AM

    • Begin career exploration
    • Discover your strengths
    • Get help with your resume
    SUMC 248 (ground floor of the main student union)

Center for Transformative Interprofessional Healthcare 'CLARION Competition'

CLARION Competition

2018 Information Sessions
These meetings provide an overview of the local and national competition. Interested students may register for a team while at an information session. These sessions will be available online for UA students from other campuses.
  • Friday, October 26th – 12:30-1:00 p.m. in CON 470 & 2:00-2:30 p.m. in College of Nursing room 470
  • Friday, November 9th – 12:30-1:00 p.m. in CON 470 & 2:00-2:30 p.m. in College of Nursing room 470
Put the “Pro” Back into Proposal – Free Workshop
This free lecture is optional and led by mentors of the 2017 CLARION national championship team, who will share strategies for presenting a winning proposal. They will discuss “root cause analysis”, presentation tips, and best practices when creating an appendix.
  • Friday, November 30, 2018 at 2 p.m. (College of Nursing room 470)
  • Friday, January 11, 2019 at 2 p.m. (in College of Nursing room 470)
MANDATORY Orientation Session and Competition
Registered participants will be introduced to their team members and mentors, receive the official 2018 case study, a copy of rules and regulations, plus information on past case examples.
  • Dates TBD. We anticipate Orientation is late January, a mid-February competition and a National competition in mid-April.
The CLARION competition is a student-driven initiative at the University of Minnesota; which focuses on the professional development of health science students and includes lessons in leadership, teamwork, communication, analytical reasoning, conflict-resolution, and business practices. The University of Minnesota health has held this elite national inter-professional case competition since 2005.
Each year, a specific case study is designed to challenge teams in solving particular problems. Participation in CLARION leads students to a more sophisticated understanding of the healthcare system in which they will practice. Inter-professional teams of four students are composed of at least two different professions, and no more than two students may be from the same profession.  The teams present a root cause analysis of a fictitious sentinel event to a panel of senior-level inter-professional health executives. Cases are analyzed by the team members only, and their mentors provide guidance, technical support.  The cases are fictitious with real-world challenges relating patient safety in to health care system and how it might be improved. The highly complex cases, and incorporate triple aim issues.
Through this competition, each team member was reminded of the importance of inter-professional collaboration to improving health care and patient safety in a complex healthcare environment. Furthermore, the positive experience as an inter-professional team demonstrated that communication and problem solving across professions is possible and necessary.

Patient Experience Ambassador Internship

Please share with students who are looking for experience in healthcare settings.
  The Pre-Health Professions Advising Center is pleased to announce the opening of our application process for the Patient Experience Ambassador Internship, a two-semester clinical internship for students pursuing careers in the health professions. 
Open to students in any health career path although because of the total hour commitment, particularly helpful for students planning to become PA’s.  This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the hospital environment and interacting primarily with patients, but also with the providers in the unit.  
Requires a two-semester commitment:  Spring, 2019 and Fall, 2019 (not summer) and a total of 240 patient contact hours.  IF you will graduate in May or August of 2019, please do not apply for this internship.  Please note that we will offer a summer version of this class in summer, 2019.  Look here for more information about the PX Ambassador internship 2019 and to find the application:

Students with questions may email Stephanie Watson at

Stephanie S. Watson, M.Ed.
Associate Director/Coordinator
The University of Arizona | Pre-Health Professions Advising Center in Colleges of Letters, Arts and Science
1428 E. University Blvd. | Bear Down Gym |Tucson, AZ 85721
📞520.621.7763 | FAX: 520.626.6345
Appointments may now be scheduled online: