Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Medical Intern Opportunity

This medical intern opportunity was emailed to the Physiology-Undergraduate Program.  We are forwarding it to our blog for you to consider.

My name is Joseph Neely and I am a Physiology graduate from 2016. I currently Intern with a Cardiologist in Tucson and will be leaving for medical school this summer. Dr. Winter is looking to hire another intern who is aspiring to medical school. I am was hoping to share this opportunity with Physiology seniors who are looking for a gap year opportunity. Please let me know if you would be willing to send an email to the undergraduates and I can send the application with job description.

Job Description:

A paid clinical internship with Dr. Jerrold Winter, a cardiologist who specializes in electrophysiology (EP) and autonomic nervous system disorders. Dr. Winter’s goal is to guide and assist the intern(s) towards medical school acceptance. This is a 1 year commitment during which the intern(s) will learn to use the electronic medical record system, interpret EKGs, and interrogate/program cardiac devices (i.e. pacemakers, ICDs, implantable loop recorders) under the supervision of device representatives. The intern(s) will have direct, independent patient contact to obtain the history of present illness (HPI) and learn to formulate a medical problem list. Patient interactions will far exceed those in medical training. The intern(s) will also be able to observe surgical procedures.

This position is ideal for students re-applying to medical school or those who wish to improve their pre-medical resume. 

Hours range from about 25-30 hours per week at multiple Pima Heart locations including The Heart Center, Northwest office, Westside office, and Green Valley office.

Please complete the following questions.
    1.  What are your future plans?

    2.   Have you applied to medical school before? If so, how do you plan on   improving/addressing the weakness in your application? 

    3.    Are you fluent in Spanish?

Additional Materials Required:
Unofficial transcript
2 references

Please email the completed questionnaire and additional materials to Eryn Vargo at

If you have any additional questions, please contact Eryn Vargo ( or Joe Neely (

Please Submit Materials by February 16th

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