Friday, April 7, 2017

Part-time male caregiver and aide position & female caregiver and aide position available

Part-time male caregiver and aide position
Part-time caregiver position for intelligent, athletic male. Duties: Assistance with swim routine for a disabled woman, including pushing a wheelchair, operating a hoyer lift and working with her female assistant. Position would also involve errands both with and without the disabled woman, like trips to a doctors office or grocery store. Prior medical experience is not necessary. Training is available. Patient has a master's degree and is a good communicator. Call (520)-867-6679 in the afternoon to apply.
Female caregiver and aide position available
Hi, my name is Julia! I’m a senior at the University of Arizona and have been working as a caregiver for Emma since September 2016. Emma has rheumatoid arthritis and requires care that includes cleaning her tracheostomy, and helping her with day-to-day activities. No prior medical experience is needed and training is available. She has a Master’s degree from the UA, and she’s great company! Her previous caregivers have been accepted to medical schools and nursing programs. As someone who is about to apply to medical school, this has been a wonderful opportunity for me, and I would highly recommend this job to any pre-med. A variety of shifts are available. She is also looking for a person to assist her with her preparations for swimming. She swims on her own with flotation devices. It is not necessary for the woman assisting her to get into the pool. If you are interested, please call (520)-867-6679 in the afternoon.

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